Refund & Cancellation Policy

1. Refund Eligibility

1.1 At Bizwhatspro, our aim is to deliver a valuable and dependable service to our users. However, there may be situations where users seek refunds for subscription fees or payments made for utilizing the Bizwhatspro application ("the Application"). It's important to understand the conditions under which refunds may be considered.

2. Circumstances for Refunds

2.1 Refunds may be considered under exceptional circumstances where users encounter technical issues or disruptions in service that significantly impair their ability to utilize the Application as intended.

2.2 Refund requests related to dissatisfaction with the features, functionalities, or performance of the Application may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the issues reported and efforts made by the user to resolve them.

3. Refund Process

3.1 Users seeking a refund must submit a formal request through our designated customer support channels. This request should include detailed information regarding the reason for the refund, any relevant supporting documentation, and contact details for further communication.

3.2 Upon receiving a refund request, our support team will review the provided information and assess the eligibility of the request based on the criteria outlined in this policy.

3.3 If the refund request is approved, the user will be notified of the decision and the refund process will be initiated. Refunds will be processed using the original payment method whenever possible.

4. Non-Refundable Items

4.1 Certain items or services may be designated as non-refundable, including but not limited to promotional offers, discounts, or one-time purchases made within the Application.

4.2 Subscription fees for periods during which the user had access to and utilized the Application's features and functionalities are generally non-refundable, except in cases where exceptional circumstances warrant a refund as per the conditions outlined in this policy.

5. Cancellation Policy

5.1 Users have the option to cancel their subscription to the Application at any time. The cancellation process is designed to provide users with flexibility and control over their subscription status.

5.2 To cancel a subscription, users must follow the designated cancellation procedure provided within the Application or through our customer support channels. This may involve accessing account settings, selecting the cancellation option, and confirming the cancellation request.

5.3 Upon successful cancellation, the user's subscription will be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle. Users will retain access to the Application's features and functionalities until the end of the billing period for which they have already been billed.

6. Changes to Subscription Plans

6.1 Bizwhatspro reserves the right to modify or change its subscription plans, including fees and features, to improve user experience, adapt to market dynamics, or address business needs.

6.2 In the event of any changes to subscription plans, existing subscribers will be notified well in advance before such changes take effect. This notification may be provided through email, in-app notifications, or other communication channels available within the Application.

7. Dispute Resolution

7.1 We value user satisfaction and understand that disputes may arise regarding subscription fees, refunds, or other matters related to the Application. We are committed to resolving disputes promptly and fairly through the following process:

7.2 Users should first attempt to resolve any disputes or issues directly with our customer support team. Our support representatives are trained to address user concerns and find amicable solutions whenever possible.

7.3 If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached through direct communication with our support team, users may escalate the matter for further review and consideration by our management team.

7.4 In cases where disputes remain unresolved through internal channels, users may explore external dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration or mediation, as provided for by applicable laws and regulations.

8. Contact Us

8.1 If you have any questions, concerns, or require assistance regarding our Refund and Cancellation Policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. You can contact us via email at or by phone at 94359-80574.